
Watching Your Weight – GSM 101

All t-shirt suppliers use this code when describing their different garment options, and you might have been wondering, what is GSM? We thought we might go through that for you to help clarify this term.

GSM stands for Grams per Square Metre – so it’s referring to the weight of the fabric. However, a lot of people often form the opinion that lightweight fabric equals poor quality and heavyweight fabric equals good quality…..this is not always the case!

In fact, a lot of t-shirt suppliers who have lightweight t-shirts available actually charge more for this option.

So what does equal quality?

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Discharge Printing – Soft feel print on dark t-shirts

Ok…so we have been doing a lot of discharge printing lately and have got it down to a fine art!!

What is discharge printing? Have a look at the video below and keep reading to find out more…(WARNING: Loud music alert in the video!)

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4 Reasons to Buy Australian Made T-shirts

Whether we like it or not, T-shirts that have been made in Australia are often more expensive than those imported from various other countries in the world, and most Australians aren’t so patriotic as to automatically spend considerably more on a T-shirt simply because it was made in Australia.

Any business wishing to compete with low-cost alternatives needs to provide additional sources of value to its customers, to warrant the difference in price.  Money talks, but thankfully, it isn’t the only voice we heed.  We also believe that we get what we pay for.

So what are these additional sources of value?  Why buy Australian made T-shirts, rather than the cheaper ones imported from overseas?

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